This documentary blends the past of a dancer born and raised in the countryside of São Paulo-Brazil, and her present updated in the duets danced with her daughter, who is a dancer as well. The film transits between bucolic images of ruined landscapes and the stage, bringing a letter that is a familiar legacy, with instructions to dance the Russian choreography "The Dying Swan".
Direction: Guilherme Telli e Andréia Nhur
Cast: Janice Vieira e Andréia Nhur
Camera: Nando Gatti
Music: Janice Vieira
Writer: Andréia Nhur
Editing: Alexandre Valentim
Color Grading: Jonathan Machado
Sound: Maurício Nogueira
Production: Paola Bertolini and Andréia Nhur
Camera assistants: Gabriel Rogich e Vinícius Passareli
Costumes: Janice Vieira e Andréia Nhur
Theater lighting design: Roberto Gill Camargo
Makeup: Miriam Puga
Assistants of production: Lucas Moraes e Ramon Vieira
Catering: Vera Abdelnur e Fátima Gomes de Oliveira
Transportation: Núccia Pasqualini e G.A. Transportes
Locations: Sesc Sorocaba e Vila Élvio
Art design: Oré Design Studio