This project investigates creative interactions between sounds and vocal and body gestures as co-dependent devices in a choreographic process. The performer records her own voice, body percussion and breathing sounds while moving her body, composing different choreographic lines and sound environments. Texts, song excerpts and noises are recorded by the artist in a loop station device while she overlaps correlate movements. Based on religious, sacred and profane rites, this creative process aims at remembering the connections between dance, music and faith, through the synchronization, syncope and counterpoint between sound and movement.
The sacred aspects are based on traditional cultures, in which music and dance are daily practices used as tools of resistance for staying alive in social and political crisis. This artistic process is linked to the research project "Sonorouschoreography: cognitive agreements between movement, sound and voice in bodies that perform multiple artistic tasks" (University of Ghent/Belgium, support: Capes Brazil - 2020-2021).
Creation, Research and Performance: Andréia Nhur
Co-direction, Light Design and Photography: Paola Bertolini
Choreographic Residence - Artists in Residence in Destelheide (Belgium) – August 2020