ENDLESS WOMAN | 2017-2018
The performer tells that, in a museum, she finds a painting portraying a woman just like her, who stares at another painting portraying another woman identical to her ad infinitum. Constituted by small narrative fragments, spoken and sung in several languages, the work evokes looks, images and discussions concerning the female gender as filled with conventions, memories and stereotypes. The piece travels between dance, theatre, music and performance to edify a body constantly trespassed by echoes of women present in several cultures' memories. From Madame Bovary to Lady Macbeth, past Carmen Miranda, the work traces a dramaturgy of bodily transformation of a performer who draws and erases her own gender condition through other women's citations. As defined by the Bolivian critic Mijail Zapata, "body and feminism are the two materials that compose the chant of 'Mulher Sem Fim' ('Endless Woman')" (translated quote).
Text, Creation and Performance: Andréia Nhur
Collaborators: Janice Vieira, Paola Bertolini e Roberto Gill Camargo
Light Design: Roberto Gill Camargo
Production, Photography and Lighting Paola Bertolini
Destelheide Center - Dworp- 2020 (Belgium)
Uns e Outros Expo – Curitiba - 2019 (Brazil)
Sesc Sorocaba – 2019 (Brazil)
FITAZ-Festival Internacional de Teatro de La Paz (La Paz International Theatre Festival) – 2018 (Bolivia)
Latin-American Dance Expo - São Paulo -2018 (Brazil)
Mirante na Dança Expo – Botucatu- 2018 (Brazil)
Londrina International Dance Festival – 2018 (Brazil)
São Paulo University Theatre – São Paulo/2017 (Brazil)
Só Solos Expo - São Paulo/2017 (Brazil)
Danzènica- International Summit of Contemporary Dance in La Paz - 2017 (Bolivia)
Performance in Destelheide (Belgium) – August 2020