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EASY PIECES | 2017 (Pró-Posição Group)


Fifth scenic partnership between the awarded artist Janice Vieira (80 years old) and her daughter, Andréia Nhur, Peças Fáceis (Easy Pieces) results from the collaborative creation project Easy Pieces-Sonorouschoreographic Platform. The work proposes a study of dance and music based on baroque music by Bach and Petzold. In this creation, mother and daughter dance, sing and play instruments in a proposition named "sonorouschoreography". From mutual musical memories, movement and sounds are produced in the same time dimension, sometimes by a voice discharge which is danced gesture, sometimes by an instrument propulsion which is body.

"Peças Fáceis (Easy Pieces) verticalizes, in Pró-Posição Company's trajectory,

the studies about memory and gesture (of dance and music),

bringing them from the scale of history to the scale of culture and, at the same time,

highlighting, in Andréia and Janice's dance, a polyphony spiced up with humor and lightness.

Now, this dance regurgitates the bitten references, weaving itself into a baroquisme of preciosities.

(KATZ, Helena, 2017, translated quote)"


Concept, Choreography, Music Creation and Performance: Janice Vieira and Andréia Nhur

Collaborating Artists: Helena Bastos(Choreography Collaboration), Roberto Gill Camargo (Dramaturgy Collaboration) and Andrea Drigo (Vocal and Musical Collaboration)

Light Design: Roberto Gill Camargo​

Production and Photography: Paola Bertolini

Graphic Design: André Bertolini


Pró-Posição Company

Programa de Ação Cultural (Cultural Action Program) – ProAC-04 and ProAC 05 (assembly and tour of dance show 2017/2018) - State Secretary of Culture


2019: ProAC tour around the state of São Paulo (Campinas, Piracicaba, São José dos Campos, Santo André, Santos, Votorantim, Tatuí and Botucatu)

2018: Virada Cultural Paulista (Sesc Carmo/São Paulo)

2018: Sesc Jundiaí

2018: Centro de Referência de Dança (São Paulo)

2018: Gestos Contemporâneos Expo (São Pedro Theatre -Rio Grande do Sul)

2018: Season in Sérgio Cardoso Theatre (São Paulo)

2017: Opening and Season in TUSP (São Paulo).

2017: ProAC tour around São Paulo's countryside (Sesc Bauru, Sesc Sorocaba, Unidança Expo -Campinas, Pilar do Sul Secretary of Education and Sesc Jundiaí)

2017: Lugar Nômade de Dança Expo (São Paulo)

2017: Teatro de Utopias (São Paulo)


Winning show for the Denilto Gomes Award for Best Dance Interpreter 2017

Nominated for the APCA Award for best dance show/opening of the year 2017





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